Thursday, January 17, 2008

Trio Day 5 - Saying Goodbye

Unless you've actually been to visit your child, and then had to leave them behind... it's difficult to understand the emotions that you experience. It was certainly a difficult day... and one that I knew was coming all week long. However, I have to say that we all did a pretty good job of holding things together.

It was emotional for me for more reasons than one. Watching Ali have to say good-bye to her big sister was heartbreaking. She was a real trooper. She never cried... she told me on the airplane later that she felt really sad but knew that it would make it harder for Sara if we cried, so she didn't. She did tear up on the plane one time... but then she started to talk about getting home to see Daddy, Rachel and McCaleb - and she perked back up.

Seeing all the children - and especially the babies - was a wonderful experience for Ali. She talked a lot about how they would smile and wave... and that she was really glad that the place that Sara was living was nice and clean. She also noticed things like their beds (that were all made) and that they must have a lot of dishes to wash and clothes to keep clean.

Saying good-bye was hard... but we know that it isn't forever.


Katie said...

Awwwww....praying she is home soon :)

Tabitha said...

Sara has been in my prayers! Looks like you and Krystal really showed the kids a good time!