Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trio Day 3 - Pizza Fiesta!... and why we need to know more Spanish...

Kids forget NOTHING. So this morning Sweet Sara reminded us (at breakfast) that today was PIZZA DAY. Boy, oh boy... WAS IT EVER!

With the help of our able staff here at Hotel San Carlos... we were "advised" that with the number of people in our party... we should really try the PIZZA CUATRO from Pizza Hut. You get more for your money.

Thirty minutes later - our phone rings in the room, and they announce that our order is here. So off I trek, down to the first floor to pick up our pizzas. Let me just say... I should have taken the kids for help. :)

Pizza Cuatro consists of a pizza that completely fills an entire box that is about 16 x 32. WE HAD TWO OF THEM... and two 2 Liters of pop. Yesirree... that's 64 inches of pizza. Needless to say... I think we will be having leftovers tomorrow. :)

The day ended a little sad... as Sara began to realize that the week was drawing to a close. Silly me - I forgot to tell her that we were not taking her back on Wednesday, but instead on Thursday. You'd think I would have learned. At any rate... I can tell you that the hardest part of coming to Guatemala... is leaving Guatemala - and leaving Sara behind.


Jodi said...

The pieces of pizza look HUGE...and little Ali looks so little next to Sara in that last picture. But you look like you are all enjoying yourselves immensely. Be safe

Kelli said...

SO now I know why Krystal hasn't been replying or anything. Tell her to let us know things every once in awhile!!!! Have a great time!!

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I am lovin' these pictures. I will be praying for you and Sara tomorrow. I know how hard it is to leave them.