Sweet Sara... she touched our hearts the first time we saw her face.
What very few of you know is that our paperwork had already been started for Sara several months before... and for us... we had already committed our hearts to her in September of 2006 right before she turned 7 years old.
We knew that starting another adoption, especially so soon after bringing McCaleb home, would be taxing and emotional. But then again... I think that is just the nature of adoption. Looking back on it, I can honestly say that we really expected her home long before now. However, God always has a plan - and we trust that His way is always perfect.
My own personal goal in this entire process was just to do my best to bring honor to Him throughout the process, not to get too stressed-out or overly anxious... and to trust in Him and His perfect timing. I hope that I have done this. I know that I have had a few tense moments... and I readily admit that the passing of the Ortega Law stressed me out, especially intially... but I really want to praise Him for giving me such a sense of peace about the entire process. I have been confident that Sara would come home... but the factor of "WHEN" was something that I haven't been able to determine. Still... keeping with the "tone" of my favorite movie FACING THE GIANTS... I hope that I have been able to Praise Him in the good times - and Praise Him in the bad times. (Like I said in my "Adoption: The Death Crawl" post... GO BUY THIS MOVIE AND WATCH IT OVER AND OVER!)
So today... I want to Praise Him some more. I am truly blessed. I have a family that loves and supports me. I am blessed with a husband that loves me completely and unconditionally. I have four amazing children - that have taught me so much... and blessed me more than you can imagine! I am blessed with good friends... some are here close by... and some live far away. Some I have known my whole life... and others I have met through the wonderful process of adoption. Mostly I am blessed by a God that gave His life for me...a sinner...and so unworthy of that gift. I truly hope that I can bring honor and glory to Him.
We are about to have a huge weekend with our family.
It will be the 4-Year Anniversary of our Forever Family Day with the girls.
It only seems appropriate that tonight, as I was getting ready to LOG OFF and go to bed ... that I get the email that we have been waiting for.
That's right... THE EMAIL... it was finally the BIG ONE.
It read something like this:
Just received word you have PGN Approval.
OK. It wasn't lengthy, it didn't go into details... but it gave us that message that we have been waiting for: SARA IS COMING HOME!
God is so GOOD!

We still have hurdles to clear. We have a 2nd DNA test, then we wait for our PINK SLIP. (Remember the US Embassy Fiasco with McCaleb's paperwork???) So it will still be several weeks.
But tonight, we are praising God for His faithfulness to us and our committment to Sara and bringing her home.