Monday, August 13, 2007

Hope For The Flowers

Mom read to us when we were growing up. Actually, she even read to us when we were GROWN. One of my favorite books growing up (and there were many...I am a book buff) was Hope For The Flowers. When I was little, I thought it was a cute story about two little furry caterpillars. As I got older, I began to understand the real meaning of the book. The struggle of the caterpillar - who has trouble becoming what he really is... a beautiful butterfly. It's a wonderful book, that I have already read to the girls two or three times. (Once at a single sitting... they really LOVE the story.) And it truly is a beautiful story. I thought of the book this morning as I was driving Ali to her first day of Kindergarten. A usually chatty ride to town - was a little more somber today. She was a little nervous, a little uncertain. We even had the company of Briana with us... and still the car was unusually quiet. It could be that perhaps Rachel was realizing for the first time that Ali wouldn't be with her all day, as she has been the past 3 1/2 years. It could also be that I was sad - thinking of the journey that Ali and I have been on with each other during those three years. Or the realization of knowing that for the first time we have been in a good place for over a year... and not wanting to lose that ground that we have gained. It was a quiet ride... but she was very big, very brave and very serious. She marched into school and went to her room, and began to find a seat. Briana was snapping pictures, and Tim had Rachel and McCaleb with him... so I walked over to her to give her a hug good-bye. She never acted as if she would cry... but I could sense that she was a little nervous. (Briana on the other hand was hugging Mrs. McBrayer and chatty with her son. Briana had Mrs. McBrayer when she was in Kindergarten at Lexington Christian Academy!) I told her that she would do great, that she was going to have so much fun, and how proud we were of her! We all hugged her and kissed her - and walked away.
Three O'clock could not come fast enough today! Boy, had she grown! ;) She was exhausted!!!! But that didn't stop her from chatting non-stop for the next FOUR hours. I think she told us every minute detail of her day at least five times... and she recounted not only what they did, but what each person said, what the rules were, and how nervous she was this morning.

In the back of the book, it says... "It takes a lot of butterflies to make a world full of flowers..." I agree. Change is hard... and remember, I don't like change. I hope that I can teach Ali to be better about it than I am. And as for my little girl? Well...I think that Ali is well on her way to becoming a beautiful butterfly!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

This is such a sweet post. Cute little girl. e-mail me at and I will send you an invite to my blog. I don't guess I have your e-mail.

Krystal said...

Ali looks so beautiful!

Farrah said...

She is a doll, I can't wait to see all the kids home together what an amazing family you have.

Candy said...

Ok girly I want to know your whole story with Ali. All of your children are beautiful. WOW I will be totally crying when ever Kya looks like a big girl like Ali...Hugs Candy and Kya Blu

Unknown said...

Jennifer, I moved Matt into his college dorm this past week and had some of the same emotions you experienced taking Ali to kindergarten. It's hard to let loose of them at every stage, I suppose. As they grow up, we have to grow up with them.