"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
-John Wooden
For our last big HURRAH of the year - we meet at Mom and Dad's clubhouse and have Christmas with them. They were leaving the next day for Arizona...but it was so good to get to see them and have Christmas with them before they left.
As a bonus, Jodi and Chad were in from Tennessee. Chad had just had his surgery on his knee...so you know that the trip had to be difficult for him. It was really good to have them all here. Just missed the Collins Crew from out west!!! That would have made it perfect!
The goofballs got the afternoon off to a fun start just being silly! They are a barrel of fun... and keep us all in stitches.
I'm refraining from gift pictures...because there are soooooo many. However, the tongue...I just had to show the tongue.
Our token photo of Briana and McCaleb. We have the opportunity dozens of times when we are all together. This is just one of many....
The kids opening their Hussein money for Christmas. They loved it - it was a hit.
B all cuddled up in his new Michigan snuggli... and looking especially adorable.
Jodi opening her letter from me - in hindsight I should have let her read the note later...and open her necklace now. The Serenity Prayer on a pendant. I am so proud of Jodi - and her accomplishments. She is an awesome, strong and amazing woman.
Awww...it's me and my sweet husband. This was our 13th Christmas together and yet...it's always fun like it's the first one. He is a good man - I am truly blessed.
Whoo hoo! My Ole Miss shirt from JoJo. Now I can wear my Daddy's colors proud!
HILARIOUS! I was trying to get a picture of the two of them... and Chuck throws up his book to show me...right in front of Jamie's face. He's a mess! :)
There she is! Without the book to block her sweet smile! My big Sis. Love her!
I thought this was a super great photo of Mom and Dad. They are so funny. It was a fun day with lots of games and playing, good food...and a lot of laughing.
I think everyone began to wind down a little as the evening wore on. It seems like as I looked around, the kids started to fall over before the adults did.
By the time we got home - all the kids were OUT. Tim and I watched the ball drop, gave each other a kiss and headed to bed. We were exhausted!
2010 was a wonderful year for the Hanks Gang. We hope that you had a wonderful year, too...and pray that 2011 is a blessed year for you all!
Jamie and Briana making blankets for LuLu and Jr! Everyone pitched in to help!!!
The Three Amigos - always entertaining and always keep us on our toes. (You have no idea...)
Daddy, Frances and Kelsey came up the day after Christmas to spend their Christmas with us. It was so much fun! (As it always is...) We had a very relaxing and enjoyable time. I really wish I had some pictures of Daddy sleeping with Ugly Kitty in the basement. ;) Or sitting on Nini's lap... who doesn't like cats at all.
Daddy loved his Saddam Hussein money that we put in an envelope. Sent over to us by our special friend serving in the Middle East. :)
Frances' best (well maybe just ONE of the best...) colors. I love her in RED and BLACK. :)
Since Santa bought the girls camera's for Christmas...they think they can hijack my camera and get photos of me! UGH!! I am always the one that takes the pictures...I'm not in them.
Seriously - this is ALL she asked for. LITERALLY. I have had it for months... and she was tickled to death. I love that girl! She's a hoot!
Voila'! We can't get through a family function with at LEAST one of these photos... or two... or three.....
Yes, two pix of my boy. He's just so cute - ya know?? Besides... I only have the one. I need to get as much mileage out of him as possible!! ;)
I'm sensing a bit of attitude in this photo. Can't remember who said what...but it was obviously met with disapproval from the 8yr old with attitude....
Kelsey's birthday in January - which is only a few days away...so I had her gift ready (for a change) while she was here. Remarkable...I know.
McCaleb had just tested for a new belt in karate - so we got him a belt display case (not really for Christmas...just to keep the belts all in one place).
We are so blessed! Just the joy that these children bring to our lives...is overwhelming. We started out the morning with Miss Whitley's homemade sourdough cinnamon rolls....oh, yeah... we are blessed. :)
Rachel's "big" gift came in the way of a Brittney she named Lilly. (Gotta love that Santa...always bringing gifts that KEEP ON GIVING....)
A very cool music box for Tim in the shape of a phone with little elves on it. It plays a Christmas song... and is really neat.
Lilly Pearl was tuckered out after her long trip from the NORTH POLE. She was just so happy to have a lap to sit in and get all warmed up. I don't think the poor puppy got to walk at all the first day (or week...)
My munchkins by the Christmas Tree...with and without Lilly Pearl. (Like I said - poor pup.)
Even Briana couldn't help herself... and wanted to hold little Lilly. I honestly don't think her feet hit the ground at all Christmas Day.
Our traditional shot of Briana and her little man, McCaleb. I think the puppy got more attention than he did... and I think he was a wee bit jealous.
Later in the day - for Christmas dinner some of our extended family showed up! Kelvin, Donna and RJ came over as well as Shelli! It was a blast. We had our (not so traditional) Christmas Dinner of two kinds of Lasagna, garlic bread, salad, fruit, and plenty of tasty desserts! It was delicious!
And then - to end our night: the annual poses by the fireplace! Which, of course included Lilly. Look! She's on the floor! Remarkable...
We played games, we played Wii, the men talked coffee (and I mean, they seriously talked about coffee...) and we had a wonderful night! Good friends and family, good food and good fun!
It's one of the reasons I love the holidays so much! I love having everyone over and just spending time together.