The weather was perfect. It was slightly overcast, it sprinkled just once or twice... and all in all it was a beautiful day!
I took the stroller for McCaleb. But that little guy was such a trooper. He never asked ONE TIME to ride in the stroller. He walked or ran the entire day... and never once did he complain. I was just amazed! He was thrilled beyond words to get to ride the little train through the zoo... and I was just thrilled that we made it off alive. The ride was supposed to take about 15 - 20 minutes all the way around the park. However, we made it, stops and all... in EIGHT MINUTES.
Once I got my legs back underneath me from the terrifying train ride...we walked all the way around the park once more trying to locate the Polar Bears. We had seen Lions, and Tigers... but no BEARS - oh, my! The Polar Bears, it seems, are all "visiting" other zoos while their new habitat is being completed in the new Glacier Bay Splash Park area. Bummer.
The kids, while only slightly disappointed, were great sports about the entire day. They even cheered me up when I realized that I hadn't packed swimsuits and they weren't able to go to the splash park (which is included with park admission, by the way...) but we did let them get a little wet, anyhow.
Sara's "paw" next to that of the Gorilla.... WOW!
Ali (on the right) had been sitting like this watching... when the gorilla turned, looked at her, and then leaned over and copied her. It was so cute!! McCaleb (on the left) is simply trying to get in on the action.
So cute, Miss Jackson!
As we were leaving the Gorilla Habitat... there was a very cool walkway that told you a bit about the life (and death) of the gorillas in the wild. Along that trail was a series of signs that were WONDERFUL. They remind us each of our part and our responsibility. Sadly, the pictures that I took fo the signs did not do them justice. However, this is what they said:
"Prayer of the Woods"
I am the heat of your hearth
on cold winter nights,
the friendly shade
screening you from
the summer sun,
and my fruits
are refreshing draughts
quenching your thirst
as you journey on.
I am the beam that holds your house,
the board of your table,
the bed on which you lie,
and the timber
that builds your boat.
I am the handle of your hoe,
the door to your homestead,
the wood to your cradle,
and the shell of your coffin.
I am the bread of kindness,
and the flower of beauty,
Ye who pass by,
listen to my prayer -
Harm me not.
The kids did enjoy most every exhibit. I think they really enjoyed the gorillas... there were two that played outside. The gorilla that I enjoyed the most was the one that was sitting up at the glass... so close to the kids... only 8 inches and a small sheet of glass divided them! One sat there forever watching all the kids wave at him... and then when Ali was tired and leaned forward and put her head in her hands... he turned, looked at her for a few seconds... and then laid over on his own hand and put his head right in his hand as well. It was like: Monkey see- Monkey do. So very cute! It tickled her to death!
Days like today are a rare blessing, indeed. If you knew how worried I get any time we have to be out in the hot sun and is something that really causes Ali some serious problems. So we are constantly trying to keep her cool, hydrated and not too tired. This trip, however, she really did great. She had fun, never complained and really seemed relaxed.
At the end of the day - we were all tired. We got back into Georgetown in time to meet Tim for dinner at Applebees... so Mommy was treated to a night of not cooking! What a bonus!
1 comment:
We HEART the L'ville zoo. Alex's favorite is definintely the gorillas. Aren't they great??? And the train ride? I had no idea it was supposed to take 15-20 minutes - I think we've always made the rounds in about 10. :) Glad you guys had a great day.
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