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Mc Caleb loves his Science curriculum! He wanted to go on a "hunt" for different Biotic and Abiotic items to put into different paper bags. He was soooooooo excited to find a little frog around the Irises that we brought home from DeeDee's house and transplanted at our house. Of course - I had to dare him to catch it. ;)
This picture is him RUNNING out of the little area when the frog JUMPED! Yes, it was funny. And yes... I laughed!!
McCaleb is truly the sweetest child. And he is so outgoing and fun to be with. He laughed just as hard as I did - once he realized that the frog wasn't in attack mode. I wish you could see his shirt a little better. It says: CAUTION!!! UNSOCIALIZED HOMESCHOOLERHe is so NOT that! Love that little guy!!